Links To Data Repositories
Website | Description |
GLOVIS | USGS Global Visualization Viewer; containing multiple sources of remote sensing imagery. |
WIST | Warehouse Inventory Search Tool (WIST). Search for and order earth science data products from NASA and affiliated centers. |
LP DAAC Data Pool | Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center containing ASTER and MODIS data sets. |
WELD | The Web-enabled Landsat Data (WELD) project. |
NSIDC | National Snow and Ice Data Center; containing multiple snow & ice data sets. |
NOAA CLASS | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration containing multiple data sets. |
ORNL DAAC | Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center for Biochemical Analysis; site containg multiple data sets. |
ERSDAC | Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center; site with multiple data sets. |
ASTER GDEM Explorer | ASTER Global Digital Elevation Map; ASTER data sets. |
Data Basin | Data Basin is a free, online system that connects users with spatial datasets, tools, and expertise. |
Global Land Cover Facility Data Repository | Global Land Cover Facility; Landsat Imagery Repository. |
DigitalGlobe | DigitalGlobe is a unique imagery provider because our founders were scientists and GIS mapping users who wanted commercial access to a consistent and rapidly expanding supply of high quality earth imagery and geospatial information products. |
TerraServer | TerraServer is a subscription based site that has assembled a large variety of aerial photos, satellite images, oblique imagery and USGS topo maps on the Internet. |
National Geospatial Program | Provides leadership for the USGS geospatial coordination, production, and service activities. |
Global Change Master Directory | NASA'S GCMD provides data, services, and information related to global change and Earth science research. |
page revision: 20, last edited: 07 Feb 2011 21:02